2014 ICRI Award of Merit Winner!
Loading Dock Rebuild - Inspect, design, repair and strengthen a heavily damaged concrete substructure of loading dock using composites; repair the topside of the loading and add a specialty coating.
2013 ICRI Award of Excellence Winner!
CSX Rockport - Structural repairs and enhancement of a loading dock using composite material, including a custom fabricated carbon fiber plate with a tensil strength of over 2,000 kips.
Loading Dock Repair - Inspect, design, repair and strengthen a concrete the concrete piles of a loading dock using composites
Moring Dolphin Repair - Inspect, design, repair and strengthen concrete piles and cap at a mooring dolphin.
Concrete "double-T" Loading Dock Repair - Inspect, design, repair and strengthen a pre-cast "double-T" docking facility